Anthem Has Gone Gold
There has been a lot of anticipation and worry about Bioware’s new game Anthem. On one hand, the game is set to be Bioware’s next great experience, as well as their biggest content ever in terms of size. But, this was also the team that messed up Mass Effect Andromeda, so some are viewing this as a way to “atone” for past “sins” if you will, and thus they’re wondering if they can make good on that atonement. Well…we’re going to find out in a month.
For as noted by one of the team on Twitter, Anthem has officially gone gold. Naturally, this spread a lot of joy throughout the fanbase because now they don’t have to fear another delay or pushback that could hinder them from playing the game. Which is a good feeling, because we all want to know that the games we want are coming out in a good amount of time. And in this case, it’ll arrive on February 22nd.

Despite all the happiness though, there has been some shade through at the game via its recent demo beta. Some people were criticizing how the economy in the game was working, to the extent that it wasn’t “right” that it wasn’t done this way. But, producer Michael Gamble went onto Twitter to correct the assumptions being made about it:
I’ve seen some comments about the demo economy being different than the full game. 1. The demo is not used for reviews of the game. The full game economy is part of the review copies. It’s a demo. 2. We have been open/honest about this. 3. Demo is FREE Feb1. Nothing to lose.
So there you have it, everything is going to be fine, everything will be included at launch, and the game will not be delayed again. So all you have to do is wait a month to get your hands on the adventure.