Battlefield V Fixes Major Issues
For games like Battlefield V, it’s important to not just release the game in a good state of quality, but also, to ensure that the game stays quality throughout. And for the teams at EA and DICE, they’ve been working hard to try and quash all the issues that the fifth main entry in their franchise has gotten. But they’ve been fighting an uphill battle, as more weird issues continue to pop up.
However, they are fixing them. In a recent update, the team noted some big issues were getting fixed:
We rolled out a fix that addressed the accrual issue for Company Coins at Max Rank. We’ve also pushed out a retroactive grant starting on January 24th for those players who were impacted at Max Rank based on the amount of score players accumulated after reaching Rank 50. The point of this grant was to give our players who were impacted the same amount of Company Coins they would’ve earned if the End of Round fix was active from the first day they reached level 50, with a small bonus on top. The final step is to resolve the End of Round tally of Company Coins to accurate reflect what was earned in the match.

Furthermore, players have been having issues with AA, and the team has fixed that too:
A substantial system improvement in AA behavior has been made to make the experience for shooting at airplanes more consistent. Players should notice that shells that detonate in proximity to an airplane do damage more consistently, and also that shots that are closer to the target do more damage than shots that are further from the target. This is especially obvious when planes are flying directly at or away from an AA, with higher damage for flying at an AA and lower when trying to escape an AA.
More updates to Battlefield V will be coming as soon as the teams finish them.