Bethesda Teases Fallout 76 Post-Launch Content

Tomorrow, Fallout 76 will arrive on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. With it comes a new, yet somewhat familiar take on the popular franchise. The game will still be set in a post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland, the game will still have you coming out of a vault and fighting off everything the world has now created. But unlike previous games, you won’t just be interacting with NPCs, you’ll be interacting with other gamers. To that end, since this is more of an MMORPG, that means that there will be more content added through updates and expansions.

On their website, Bethesda did a long thank you letter to the fans and people who helped make Fallout 76. They made a promise too about the content,

“And this is just the beginning. We have an incredible list of updates we’ve begun work on – from C.A.M.P. building improvements, new quests and events, new Vaults opening, character respecing, a faction-based PvP system, and much more.”

Fallout 76

While some of this seems like “standard” update material, such as the new quests and events part. The rest actually feels somewhat new. Such as the PVP system, which has never been done in a Fallout game before. Or the idea of going to certain other Vaults to see what else is down there. There’s a lot of potential for this.

Bethesda also made sure to give a huge thanks to everyone who helped make the game:

A huge thanks to everyone at Bethesda and ZeniMax who supported us in making this game. Creating a new style of game has taken the best from not just our own producers, programmers, artists and designers – but great efforts from across the company. Special thanks to our friends at ZeniMax Online, id and Arkane who helped us.

Fallout 76 arrives on console and PC tomorrow, let us know if you get it!

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