BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle Director Talks DLC and Pricing

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle is the perfect example of a title that is both epically hyped (for all the right reasons) and yet faces controversy…for all the right reasons. The game blends together four different franchises into one epic fighting game title. What’s more, it’s being done by Arc Systems, who have long done great fighting games. Yet, recently, it was discovered that half of the game’s roster was going to be locked behind a paywall, and that sent fans into a fury.

Well, the director of BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, Toshimichi Mori, did an interview recently, and though short, it did give some context and detail as to how the DLC, and the pricing for it, would be handled.

An interesting thing that he noted was that the game itself wouldn’t be full price ($60), it would actually be a little lower than that. Not too much lower apparently, but it’s something. More than likely it’ll cost $50, which is a good discount.

BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle

Furthermore, Mori noted that he wanted to use the game to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western players. To that end, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle won’t have an arcade version (which is typical of fighting games in Japan) because he doesn’t want Japanese players to have an advantage over others.

Now, as for the DLC, he noted that though the roster in part is locked behind DLC, the combined total of the DLC will NOT surpass the cost of the game itself. If that’s a comfort or not is up to you, but it is good to know that whatever the price of the game is, we won’t be spending more than that amount to get everyone else.

Still, even if it was only $15 of DLC, players would likely still be mad. Oh, one more thing, Mori noted that he wants to continue the main BlazBlue series, stating that if fans wanted it, he’ll keep putting it out.


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