Bungie Admits They Didn’t Put Weapons Into Destiny 2’s Faction Rally Intentionally

It’s hard to have faith in something when you’re repeatedly burned. This is a motto that many Destiny 2 players have going for them right now. For despite the title becoming the second-best selling game in 2017, it’s easily among the most divisive games of 2017 as well (the only one that may top it is Battlefront II). The game had a lot of features that fans didn’t appreciate, and then had DLC that locked them out of content they always had access too. And now, Faction Rally has a weapons issue.

Now, by “weapons issue”, we don’t mean that guns don’t fire and what not. Rather, we mean that players don’t get new Faction guns in the mode. That is, unless you win. And even then, the weapons will be released over the course of the Faction Rally season. Bungie went into details on this on their forums:

“With the release of Curse of Osiris, each Faction has received 5 new weapons. These weapons become available over the course of the season, and cannot be earned through Faction Engrams immediately.”

Destiny 2

Needless to say, this is rubbing people the wrong way, again. After all, why bring in all these weapons, then restrict them to winning? In a way it kind of makes sense, however, it goes against what Bungie did in the original Destiny game, which many players are all too happy to call out.

In fact, if you go to the forum page, you’ll see the comments are littered with posts about how terrible a movie this is, how terrible Destiny 2 is, and how Bungie continues to make bad decisions involving the game.

What might be worst to players though is that Bungie made a heartfelt statement saying that they were going to try and fix things so that players could truly enjoy the game. Yet, this seems to prove otherwise, as no player wanted this.


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