Bungie Is Cracking Down On Cheaters And Quitters In Next Destiny 2 Update

There are a lot of unspoken rules when it comes to gaming. And yet, despite them being widely accepted, they’re often broken because gamers can be petty at times. Case and point, in Destiny 2, there’s a large group of people that abuse modes like Crucible via cheating, or just straight up quit in order to avoid taking a loss to their record. This is not only wrong, but it can be very frustrating to players. So, Bungie is going to take action very soon.

How? Well, update 1.1.4 is coming out next week, and its designed to both improve the Crucible in regards to how it plays, but also, to punish people who try and quit and cheat in it. For those who quit the game early, there will be consequences:

Because the Competitive playlist disables Join-In-Progress, leaving matches early (for any reason) can ruin people’s games. Starting in 1.1.4, we are adding a system that can issue temporary restrictions, 30 minutes in length, for habitual quitters.

They also note that people who have inconsistent internet connections can also get penalities because they disconnect. So if you’ve been having internet issues, make sure you fix them before jumping back into the Crucible.

As for cheaters, while the Bungie crew didn’t unveil what exactly they’ll be improving, they did note that there will be punishment coming for those who don’t follow the rules:

The changes we are rolling out in 1.1.4 are going to increase the speed that we can detect and punish cheaters. Keeping the Destiny 2 environment protected from bad actors is a priority for us. We continue to work to make sure cheaters feel the full wrath of the Banhammer.

There’s more coming to Destiny 2’s 1.1.4 update than just that, and Bungie promises to release the full patch notes once the update launches next week.

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