Cyberpunk 2077 is getting hit with another unexpected delay and now the game’s release date has been moved to December.

“The game is finished, we need more time to polish everything, we’re releasing on 5 million different platforms”. You already heard all of these bullshit excuses man times before. But, it’s CD Projekt. They’re one of the good guys, right? Well, I’m not so sure anymore. The studio is forcing their employees to crunch, they’re delaying the game non-stop. How many more mistakes can a studio make before you start to doubt them? Not trying to be dramatic, but Cyberpunk 2077 has been delayed many times, and now it’s been postponed to December. That is until it gets delayed again because it needs “more polish”.
No matter how many times you flash Keanu in front of us, doing this shit over and over again won’t fly CD Projekt. No one cares about how you made great games in the past and how you treated your fanbase with respect. This is the present, not the past. You’re making your workers crunch in order to ship the game on time. However, then you delay the game so it can arrive on the next-gen consoles. Shady, it all just sounds so shady coming from our supposed video game knights in white armor.

Those that would still like to pre-order Cyberpunk 2077 can get it on HRK Game for a discounted price. You also have their Witcher series available for dirt-cheap prices as well.
So interesting!
Thank you!