The Fallout 76 2021 roadmap shows what content’s coming to the game and we can expect aliens, legendary crafting, and more.

Spring & Summer
First, we have the Spring content that comes with S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts, C.A.M.P. Slots, Mannequins, and new Daily Ops expansion. Players can now switch out their builds freely once they reach level 25. Multiple bases will also become a thing, though only one can be active at a time. Then there’s the “Decryption” game mode that promotes stealthy gameplay. More randomized events and enemies are also on the way.
The Summer content brings forth Steel Reign. Ending The Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel chapter with brand new quests, NPCs, locations, and of course, exciting rewards. Fallout 76 players will decide the fate of this chapter by picking a side. There’s also the addition of special Legendary items crafted by using Legendary modules. It’s time to merge your build and playstyle into one.
Fall & Winter
Bethesda hasn’t revealed much about the Fall content. They’re doing something with Private Worlds, at least that much is known. Fall is also bringing another Daily Ops expansion.
Winter comes with four-star Legendary Weapons and Armor. Once your character grinds the Wasteland, they can come back home to their C.A.M.P. Pet. Loneliness is a party killer in the post-apocalyptic world of West Virginia. A pet is always welcome. Then, Fallout 76 players will take on aliens in the Public Challenge: Invades from Beyond. Fallout games always had some alien encounters, but this will group together everyone against an ominous galactic threat. Lastly, the Cultists of Appalachia offer unique rewards for helping them with a sinister ritual.
Is Fallout 76 a good game now?
We know how Fallout 76 launched. Broken, buggy, bland, and overall just bad. But, tons of content updates later, can we play this multiplayer Fallout game and have fun? I mean, Fallout 76 players will soon get to take down aliens. That sounds pretty darn enjoyable.
Maybe, some years down the line, people will consider Fallout 76 to be an excellent game. Everything is possible at this point.

You can pick up Fallout 76 for an outstanding price on HRK Game at this very moment!