Fallout 76 Gets Patch #6

There’s a lot of things you can say about Fallout 76, but the biggest thing is that it’s a game that is full of bugs and glitches. And that’s not coming from one person, but numerous gamers who have tried to play and enjoy the title since launch. Thankfully, the team at Bethesda have been working hard to try and rectify the damage done to the game via various patches and updates. And now, the game has gotten another big patch.

Bethesda outlined parts of the patch on their website:

We’re releasing Patch 6 today, which includes an increase to stash size, balance and design changes, and another large wave of bug fixes, many of which were reported by players in the Fallout 76 community. As always, this is all possible thanks to your support and feedback for the game, please keep sharing your thoughts and bug reports with us! 

Here’s a more detailed view on what the patch is and what it brings to Fallout 76:

  • Increased Stash Limit: We’ve once again buffed up maximum Stash size, this time from 600 to 800 pounds, so that you can store even more goodies from your adventures in Appalachia.
  • Player Icon Display: Player icons will now display whenever you hover over a player or an owned Workshop on the Map, as well as when you view Turrets created by someone else.
  • Scorchbeast Attacks: We’ve reduced the frequency of Scorchbeast Sonic Scream attacks, so you have a little more time to react between volleys.
  • Wanted: We’ve made an adjustment so that players must now destroy objects in another player’s C.A.M.P. or Workshop to become Wanted, which should reduce cases of accidental crime.
  • Workshops: You can now contest a Workshop that’s owned by another player from anywhere inside the Workshop’s build area, which should make it easier to attempt to contest a Workshop, even if it’s been barricaded by the owner.

It should be noted that the Stash Limit keeps getting increased, and you almost have to wonder if they should just make it infinite to please gamers. More patches will be on the way, so we’ll see what happens next.

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