Fallout 76 Rearranges Some Of Their Updates

Fallout 76 is in a very interesting place in terms of gaming. Because on one hand, it hasn’t gotten the reception that Bethesda no doubt wanted from it. Gamers and critics have been very harsh on the title, and it’s not hard to see why. There’s a lot of issues in the game on numerous levels. But then, there are people still playing it, which goes to show that not all the issues affect people in the same way. And to their credit, Bethesda has been working on fixing that.

However, on Twitter, Bethesda gave an update on the upcoming updates for both the PC and console versions of the game, and announced a rearrange of sorts.

We are adjusting our patch schedule for next week’s Fallout 76 update. The update will roll out for PC players on Tuesday and console players on Thursday. This is to allow further testing on consoles, where we can’t hotfix unintended issues as quickly as we can on PC.

Fallout 76

Now, as for what is going to be a part of these updates, Bethesda noted that before:

“We’re still on track to release the features and improvements we discussed in last week’s article, including new settings for PC players, C.A.M.P. improvements, and the ability to respec your SPECIAL points after level 50,” Bethesda said about the next update. “This update will also include a new C.A.M.P. feature we’ve been referring to as ‘Bulldozing’. Any actual bulldozers that once existed in Appalachia have long since become useless hunks of metal. However, you can still use this feature to clear out rocks, small trees, and other debris to help make building objects easier than ever. This will happen automatically as you build on top of, or very near, these obstructions. We hope this patch will help your C.A.M.P.s feel more like home.”

Bethesda is also promising a lot of other fixes in the future, so stay tuned.

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