Far Cry 5 Has A Lot Of Hidden Easter Eggs

Far Cry 5 is a really fun game, and even though the villains aren’t that well written as they could have been, the overall experience is really enjoyable. It’s like a big playground filled with all kinds of secrets, and it’s up to you search around for a bit and find them. Once you get tired of shooting bad guys, why don’t you try exploring the vast world of Far Cry 5 and see what you can find?

Far Cry 5

One of the most iconic, and funny, things that you can pull off quite early in the game is the secret ending, which is quite hilarious. See, if you refuse to cuff Joseph Seed right at the start of the game, a certain lackluster scene plays out. This “secret” ending isn’t anything special, but it’s quite funny to straight out negate the main antagonist’s prophecy at the very beginning. Another quite eerie reference was found by a Reddit user called Siilkkiapina93, and it’s a red balloon. For anyone that is a fan of horror movies, you then know which child-devouring clown uses red balloons as his signature, and that is Pennywise. The balloon is found at the entrance of a sewer, which makes this nod to IT all the more terrifying.

Have you played Far Cry 5 yet? If not, you can purchase it here and get a mystery game for free with it!




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