How The Epic Store Gets Its Exlusives

On our most recent Reddit hunt for spicy news, we found out how the Epic Store gets its exclusives, and what people think about the store.

Epic Store

Everyone knows that the Epic Store is going to take less revenue from sales than Steam. That’s the main selling point of this platform for developers. But, what about customer service, as many think that the Epic Store is anti-consumer. One side thinks that timed exclusives are pretty bad, as they only allow you to purchase the game on one platform. Granted, this is true, and a lot of Reddit users do make some pretty fair points about this. On the other hand, competition among these platforms is healthy and beneficial for the consumers, as we all benefit while these companies try to provide the best service out there. It’s just the fact that exclusivity on games doesn’t do anything good for the consumers. It just means you have only one option available to you.

Making some of these games exclusives isn’t an easy task. As Tim Sweeney said: “These exclusives don’t come to stores for free; they’re a result of some combination of marketing commitments, development funding, or revenue guarantees. “, which means the developers also get some help with their developing and funding costs.

Epic Store

Tim also understands why players like to avoid having multiple launchers on their computers. If you have more than two, you don’t want to install a third one. That being said, the Epic Store could be an amazing platform for both the consumers and the developers. We just have to wait and see if Epic Games know what they’re doing.


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