killer7 Now Available On Steam

killer7, a cult classic that is adored by many people worldwide, has just launched its PC port on Steam.


How would one even begin to describe a game such a killer7? We talked about it a while back, but we never got to describe what kind of a video game it is exactly. That’s because you can’t explain it. That’s right, this is one of those titles that you have to play yourself in order to understand it. The atmosphere, the bone-chilling soundtrack, the gripping and dark narrative, the absurd visuals. Everything comes together to form killer7, a classic that many think will never be outdone.


Is there a title out there that can compete with killer7? Not really, but the BioShock games do have some similarities, like a dark and twisted story together with an immensely intense atmosphere. Still, killer7 is a game where you play as a man that has 7 deadly personalities, all of which have unique weapons and abilities. That’s right, you play as one guy, but these unique personalities, which you can switch between at will, play completely different from one another. Go and watch the trailer for the game, it might help you understand what it’s all about.


The Steam user reviews say that the port is masterfully done, so what are you waiting for? Grab the game right now and see why everyone calls it a cult classic.

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