Overwatch Introducing Strike Team to Combat Toxicity

With the ever-growing popularity of the Blizzard shooter Overwatch, there has been a rising level of toxicity in the game. In order to tackle this, the team behind the game has come up with a method to attempt to stop the rot, so to speak. Their latest way of going about doing so appears to be implementing a dedicated strike team, who will be focused on making the game a better overall experience for those who want to play properly.

Griefing is a very common practice in the Competitive Play aspect of Overwatch. It has gotten to the point where game director Jeff Kaplan has brought in an entire team that will monitor issues and come up with ways to eradicate unsporting behavior. The strike team is made up of game designers, accompanied by support and analytics staff, as well as there being another team known as Risk who specialize in fighting hacks and cheaters.

Kaplan stated at Blizzcon recently regarding punishments that are being handed out to abusive players: “We’re starting to action less toward silences and more toward suspensions. If somebody’s doing bad behavior, just silencing them can sometimes convince them to do things like throw matches and grief in other ways. If you keep exemplifying bad behavior, we’re gonna have you leave the game permanently.”

Overwatch is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

1 Comment
  1. Anes_Gamer_xDz says

    is cool is the best

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