Respawn Entertainment is currently investigating a new wave of DDOS attacks that are targeting the Titanfall games.

The Titanfall franchise got another chance once it arrived on Steam. You see, Respawn Entertainment is excellent when it comes to shooters. Fluid movement, insanely fast-paced and responsive combat, and a couple of cool fresh gameplay mechanics. Be it mechs, wall-running, or anything in between, Titanfall games have it all. That’s why a lot of people jumped back into their mechs once the servers on Steam got fixed.
But, there’s another issue. DDOS attacks are constantly wearing down Titanfall matches. Unfortunately, the fans didn’t get help for quite a while. Several months went by until Respawn acknowledged the problem and started investigating the root of these attacks.
Unfortunately, instead of praise, the replies on Twitter consist of nothing but complaints. Apex Legends players telling Respawn to ditch their “dying game” and help Apex with its own DDOS issues. It seems there’s an obvious DDOS problem that’s harming both Titanfall games and Apex Legends.
Do you think Respawn Entertainment is able to help both of their franchises with this issue? Or will Apex Legends players wait for a month until help arrives as Titanfall players did? Let me know your thoughts and opinions down below!

You can pick up the Titanfall games on HRK Game today for a crazy-low price today!