Revelation Online’s New Sulan Update Coming Soon

We haven’t heard about Revelation Online in quite a while now, so it’s nice to see that the developers are still working hard on adding new content to this fantasy MMORPG. The Chinese version of the game is way ahead of the global one, but they are adding new content before the summer ends, and that new content is the New Sulan update. We don’t really know what this update is bringing and when exactly it is coming, but it won’t be identical to the Chinese New Sulan update.

Revelation Online

What is the New Sulan all about then? Well, in their Producer Q&A II, they said:

The New Sulan update isn’t just a visual update, while Sulan is being updated visually, there will be all new features and mechanics added within the update as well, which we will be providing more information on in the future.

Ok, so we know that there are new features and mechanics coming in this update to Revelation Online, but what are they? Well, we don’t really know, but we do know that they want to release just the base content of this update first, in order to maintain version stability, so other features will come after that. The developers also confirmed that there are several PvE events that are coming, and one will be announced soon. It seems like something is coming before June ends, and July will be full of exciting events!


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