Shadow of the Tomb Raider Has Some Dangerous Fish

Ok, we’re fine with taking on monsters, demons, soldiers, whatever. But, when you have these incredibly creepy fish in Shadow of the Tomb Raider, that’s where we draw the line.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

What in God’s name is this creature? The way it wrapped itself around Lara actually gave us goosebumps. This is not okay, this sort of thing belongs in some twisted horror game. But, we aren’t the developers, so our opinion doesn’t matter much now does it? Still, if there are more of these things in the aquatic areas of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, we will be avoiding them.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The “Know Your Enemy” gameplay video also shows some opponents that aren’t dangerous at all. These soldiers for example, even though they are trained killers with effective gadgets and weapons, they don’t scare us much. Even if they popped up from behind a tree suddenly, it wouldn’t have much effect. That fish, on the other hand, would probably give us a nervous breakdown if we were to see it speeding towards us. But, don’t think that that’s the only thing that you can find underwater which can make you pass out. Oh no, there’s more, and its an old favorite of the Lara Croft series.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Ah yes, the piranhas. The type of fish that represent absolute terror. Who wouldn’t love getting thorn to shreds in seconds by a pack of 50 hungry piranhas? We wouldn’t, but it seems like the fans are really happy that these bloodthirsty fish are back.

1 Comment
  1. Steven Lawhon says

    Are those other fish Perch?

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