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Resident Evil

Resident Evil Re:Verse Hit With Second Delay

The Resident Evil PvP multiplayer spin-off Re:Verse can't catch at all it seems as the game just got hit with a second delay. Re:Verse has an interesting idea. A third-person multiplayer shooter where 4 to 6 players get to take on each other as various Resident Evil characters. Where else can you play as Nemesis or Jack Baker? I'm sure…

Resident Evil 2 Remake Gets ESRB Rating

2019 is going to be a major year for gaming no matter what "side" of the equation you are on. And not unlike in 2018, it's going to start off with a bang. For in the course of January 2019, several major titles are coming out to platforms,…

Resident Evil 7 Inspiring The Movie Reboot

When it comes to video game movies, you can take heart in knowing that most of them pretty much stink. Like really badly stink. Yet, there are some franchises that actually went above and beyond what people thought they would be, and the…

The Resident Evil 2 Remake Looks Horrifying

Now, don't get the wrong idea, when we say the Resident Evil 2 remake looks horrifying, we mean that it is scary. Really scary if you want the truth, as the creepiness and the anxiety of the original game get turned up to 11 with these new…

Resident Evil 2 Remake Announced

The Resident Evil series has been around a long time, and it continues to be a key franchise in the world of video games. Resident Evil 7 was a big step in the right direction for the franchise after some missteps over the years. And now,…