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Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer Has Its Own Story

Seems like Halo Infinite's multiplayer mode will have a sprawling story of its own within the franchise's universe. Halo Infinite's multiplayer mode is free2play. It also has permanent Battle Passes and no loot boxes at all. Considering how awesome the game looks in all of its gameplay trailers, I'm inclined to believe the arena shooter days…

Learn More About The Javelins In Anthem

An Anthem video series is being released that focuses on many things, with the first one being about Javelins, progression, and story. As we all know by now, the world in which Anthem takes place was abandoned by its creators.…

Overwatch: Retribution Is Now Live

Hype hype hype, that's all that we can think about now that that the Retribution event is live. Overwatch is a game that has a really interesting universe and even more interesting characters, so it's always great to find out more about…