Wargroove Gets Update From Chucklefish

The game that is Wargroove has launched on multiple systems, and is providing an Advance Wars-like experience to all who wish to enjoy it. What’s more, the game is filled with deep stories, a customizable level and story builder, lots of cutscenes, and more RPG goodness to keep players satisfied for a very long time. But, the developer, Chucklefish, knows that you can’t keep the game stagnant, so he’s provided an update for the title.

For example, at present, there isn’t a way to save your game during a mission. But that will soon change:

  • Checkpoint system
    While playing in campaign mode you’ll be able to set a checkpoint in a mission, and then if you’re defeated you can retry from this checkpoint. You can set a checkpoint whenever you want, but you can only have one active at a time (previous gets overwritten)

Also, multiplayer in regards to online will be updated as well:

  • Multiplayer
    You can now add CPU players to online games. There’s now also a message clarifying that you must join a match if you don’t have any in progress.
    A number of fixes have been made to Quick Play timers, and you can now no longer suspend Quick Play matches and play other games in the meanwhile, since they’re supposed to be real-time.
    Seven maps designed specifically for co-op will also be added.

And for those who feel like they are having too easy of a time, then you’ll need not worry much longer, for there will be shifts in difficulty:

  • Difficulty system overhaul
    Following player feedback we’re now adding 5x difficulty presets – Story, Easy, Medium, Hard (Default) & Custom.
    Hard is the standard rules of the game and the only mode where you can obtain S-ranks.
    Medium is a bit easier and allows up to 3 stars, Easy limits you to 2 stars & Story to 1 star (and is very easy indeed!)

So as you can see, Wargroove is going to be getting many improvements, and Chucklefish promises many more to come.

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