Rune Classic
Juni 13, 2012
The classic Viking third-person hack-and-slash melee action game is now available on Steam. This release, known as Rune Classic, contains the origina…
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
März 19, 2013
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space is a hybrid roguelike game of space exploration, adventure and starship combat set within a peculiar as-yet-un…
Dragon Age II
März 4, 2011
You are Hawke, a refugee seeking to escape the darkspawn-plagued land of Felderen and become Champion of Kirkwall. Rise to power and fight epic battl…
New kind of adventure
Juni 4, 2015
New kind of adventure is a 3D adventure game with RPG elements. Mary hides in a wardrobe after her parents had a fight. She falls asleep. When Mary …
An Imp? A Fiend!
März 16, 2015
Stuck in the Underworld without the slightest clue why, a young fiend has a bit of a mystery to solve in this action/adventure platformer. With a wor…
They Breathe
Mai 23, 2014
CAN YOU SEE IT? In the first game by The Working Parts, a lone frog descends into the depths of a flooded forest, not yet knowing the full extent o…
You Are Not A Banana
Feb. 19, 2015
You Are Not A Banana is set in everyday life and has a sprinkle of imagination and humor. The audiovisuals seek to evoke nostalgia for the 80s and 90…
April 30, 2009
In X-Blades, the player takes on the role of the enchanting heroine Ayumi, who survives a breathtaking dance of blades through the Hordes of Darkness…
Merchants of Kaidan
Nov. 10, 2014
Regain your riches, restore your honor and punish those who have wronged you. Merchants of Kaidan is a challenging trading game fused with lots of…
Teddy Floppy Ear - Mountain Adventure
Jan. 9, 2015
Send your kid onto an unforgettable journey with the world’s most charming bear! Based on a famous Polish cartoon, Teddy Floppy Ear stands o…
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