Conan Exiles - The Imperial East Pack
Juni 22, 2018
Conan Exiles is a harsh survival video game set in the brutal lands of Conan the Barbarian. Do your best to survive in an unforgiving, huge and seaml…
Darkest Dungeon: The Color Of Madness
Juni 19, 2018
Darkest Dungeon is a challenging, and highly addictive roguelike dungeon crawler RPG with turn-based combat. It features one very important factor, a…
Cities: Skylines - Industries
Okt. 23, 2018
Cities: Skylines - Industries is another in-depth expansion for the complex city builder that aims to make the industry a more active and meaningful …
Cities: Skylines - Industries Plus
Okt. 23, 2018
INDUSTRIES PLUS Cities: Skylines - Industries becomes a larger and more meaningful part of the game with this expansion! Players can cust…
MudRunner - American Wilds Expansion
Okt. 23, 2018
Upgrade your MudRunner with the American Wilds Expansion and enjoy a slew of new additions, including 9 iconic US trucks from household brands like F…
Divinity: Original Sin 2 EUROPE
Sept. 14, 2017
Enter the world of Divinity: Original Sin 2. The Divine is no more, and the Void is making its way towards the living. There are powers in you that a…
Black Mesa EUROPE
Mai 5, 2015
In the beginning, there was Half-Life, and it was SO GOOD. Half-Life was a game that changed the world in many ways. It redefined storytelling for mo…
Don't Starve Together
April 21, 2016
What is Don't Starve Together? Don't Starve Together is the standalone expansion for Don't Starve that focuses on multiplayer gameplay…
Age of Mythology EX: Tale of the Dragon
Jan. 28, 2016
Age of Mythology comes to China! A new expansion to the legendary RTS brings tons of new content, including a new civilization (with fully voiceacted…
April 2, 2015
VoidExpanse is an open-world, science fiction action-RPG set in deep space. Take on the role of a spaceship pilot and navigate the vast reaches of…
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