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Square Enix

Final Fantasy XIV Reveals Patch 4.25 Content

One of the things that has made Final Fantasy XIV such a success for Square Enix is the constant flow of content that the title has. They've made sure that players have plenty to do, plenty to explore, and plenty of ways to grow and evolve. With each new patch and update, the game grows, and now, we have details on what the next patch will bring.…

Final Fantasy XV PC Edition Getting Half-Life Gear

So...this is going to respark rumors about Half-Life 3 coming out, you do know that right? Ok, as long as we're clear, let's get back to the news. Square Enix revealed a lot of things today about the upcoming PC port of their acclaimed RPG…

Lost Sphear Available Now

Square Enix are the true masters of RPGs, but, they're also incredibly clever, they know that there are many different kinds of RPGs, and thus they've set out to make many different kinds over the years. When they felt they couldn't do that…

Deus Ex Is Still Important To Square Enix

It's a known fact that in gaming, the hardest thing is keeping a franchise relevant. Yes, it's easy to look at certain franchises and think "they make it look easy!" but there are always exceptions to the rule. For Square Enix, one of their…

Final Fantasy XV PC Specs a ‘Mistake’

Square Enix sprung a surprise on us this week at Gamescom, by revealing that Final Fantasy XV will be coming to PC, having previously released on Xbox One and PS4. This would have been welcome news on the surface for PC players, until…