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Nintendo Switch

Tetris 99 Devs Talk Origins Of The Game

The Nintendo Switch is one of the most popular consoles on the market right now, and though it's not a perfect system, it does have a knack for getting certain types of addicting game into the gamers hands. And when it came to their Nintendo Switch Online service, they decided to go for broke and bring in a new game that was exclusive to the…

Suda 51 Talks Future Of No More Heroes

The No More Heroes has always been a cult franchise of sorts, which is appropriate given that the game was made by Suda 51. And recently, after many years, the next "installment" of the franchise released in the form of Travis Strikes…

Why Wasn’t There a “Metroid 64”?

When talking about the most popular, and most important, Nintendo franchises out in the world, Metroid is one that definitely appears in the Top 5 at least. Samus Aran is one of the most iconic video game characters, and between her…