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Fallout 76

Fallout 76’s Premium Service Is Broken

Fallout 76 continues to disappoint, now with a premium service, as Bethesda obviously wants to make their entire playerbase hate them. Promised features locked behind a paywall Fallout 1st is a brand new way of Bethesda spitting in…

We Have Another Fallout 76 Screw-Up

Looks like Fallout 76 just cant stay away from drama and controversy as pay-to-win items make their way to the game. We don't want to say that our hatred towards this game as soon as it was announced was justified, but no one should

Fallout 76 Outlines Wild Appalachia Update

Fallout 76 has not had a very good history since its launch. The team at Bethesda tried to make a good Fallout MMO, but failed to capitalize on the potential that the game could've had. And since then, they've been working on fixing and…

Fallout 76 Gets Patch #6

There's a lot of things you can say about Fallout 76, but the biggest thing is that it's a game that is full of bugs and glitches. And that's not coming from one person, but numerous gamers who have tried to play and enjoy the title since…