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State of Decay 2 Got A New Trailer

State of Decay was a pretty fun survival game. It allowed you to kill zombies, build a community, scavenge for supplies, and more. It was an entertaining experience, but it was lacking some kind of co-op. Thankfully, State of Decay 2 fixes that, and now we got a PAX-East trailer which shows off the game's beautiful scenery.…

New Overwatch Event Revealed

A brand-new limited time event called Retrobution was announced for Overwatch. Blizzard always releases themed events for their games, and Overwatch players really like these, as they often introduce new story elements, as well as badass…

MX vs ATV All Out Gets New Trailer

THQ Nordic and Rainbow Studios, has set itself the goal of resurrecting the MX vs ATV series, the result of which can finally be experienced starting next week. But, before that, it's time to take a look at the newly released MX vs ATV…

Destiny 2 Gets New Crucible Trailer

Destiny 2's new trailer shows off the competitive 4v4 multiplayer mode that Bungie simply calls Crucible. Another Destiny 2 trailer has arrived, this time it focuses on the multiplayer mode called Crucible. In this competitive PvP mode,…