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Civilization VI Reveals Details On Mongolians

Civilization is known as one of the greatest turn-based strategy franchises of all time. For in the game, you pick your civilization from one of Earth's history, then start off with a single colony, and try to build it up into an empire. Throughout the franchise, the game has grown, and new features, new technologies, and new nations were put in.…

Civilization VI Reveals New Dutch Nation

The Civilization series has been one of the greatest strategy game franchises out there for some time. Its use of history, mixed with time, has made an impression on many, and this goes double for Civilization VI, which released last year…

Cossacks 3 Tournament Ends First Round

Tournaments are a fun way to not only bring players together but to show off the skills of those that play their games. And with the rewards of prizes and honor, you know that every gamer is going to be trying their best to get the top…

RTS Wartile Gets First Major Update

Updates are a key part of game development. But more so than that, updates after launch show players commitment to the title, as well as giving an indication as to what comes next for the game. Sometimes, the first major update can bring…