Don’t Kill Your Teammates In Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege is one of the best tactical first-person shooters out there. But, you can’t escape idiots even in this game, so Ubisoft is increasing the penalty for killing your own teammates.

Rainbow Six Siege

If you’re playing a shooter with this amount of depth and complexity, why would you hinder your teammates? Can’t you just normally play the game, give it your best, and then be satisfied whether you win or lose? Apparently, we can’t have nice things in games, ever. Teamkilling isn’t all that popular in Rainbow Six Siege, but it still happens from time to time. But, Operation Grim Sky has been released, and the first patch that came after that address certain issues.

Rainbow Six Siege

Ranked play already had some sort of punishment for this kind of behavior, but now it’s increasing. These same changes are also coming to Casual. Usually, when you kill your own allies during a match nothing happens. If you kill him two times, you get kicked out of the game. In Ranked, you get the same punishment, but you also then get a 30-minute abandon penalty.

Rainbow Six Siege

Read the patch notes if you want full details on everything that came out this patch. Now, to get back to the subject. The new system now gives you 30-minute ban that doesn’t let you enter matchmaking at all (Casual, Ranked; Terrorist Hunt).

This is a great thing, since in a high-stakes match of Rainbow Six Siege this kind of behavior could cost you the game. Or maybe a teammate just decides to gun you all down. You never know


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