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Mario Tennis Aces Gets New Patch

There have been a lot of surprise titles on the Nintendo Switch, both in terms of arrivals, but also, in terms of selling really well. And one of the biggest surprises has been that of Mario Tennis Aces. For while this is the latest of the "Mario Sports Titles", Nintendo really took their time to make this one special, and people have really…

Mario Won’t Be In Wreck-It Ralph 2

Wreck-It Ralph was truly an inspiration when it came to video game movies. For it took the familiar setting of the video game arcade and put some fun twists on it. And in between the story and action scenes gave us plenty of memorable video…

What is the best Nintendo Boss Fight?

In most video games there are certain things you can expect. Challenge, fun, growth as the player character, etc. But one thing that players both look forward to and dread is the boss fight. After all, the boss fights are how we determine…