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The E3 Fallout 76 Trailer Released Worldwide

The trailer that we all seen at the E3 conference has been released worldwide so that we can all look at it and analyze it however we want to. Have we already seen all of these things if we watched the E3 conference? Yes, but still, it is nice to get a trailer which you can pause when you want to. Other things that we still haven't learned about…

This Is How You Get Quests In Fallout 76

Now that we know that Fallout 76 is an online survival/builder shooter where the only humans that you can meet are other players, we were wondering, who is going to give us quests? World building and story progression in a Fallout game is…

The Patch Notes For Fortnite Season 4 Are Here

Season four of Fortnite started with a bang, but not in a metaphorical sense, but an actual bang, as shards of a huge comet crashlanded on the game's map, bringing some interesting things for both the PvE and the Battle Royal mode. We will…

Overwatch: Retribution Is Now Live

Hype hype hype, that's all that we can think about now that that the Retribution event is live. Overwatch is a game that has a really interesting universe and even more interesting characters, so it's always great to find out more about…

New Overwatch Event Revealed

A brand-new limited time event called Retrobution was announced for Overwatch. Blizzard always releases themed events for their games, and Overwatch players really like these, as they often introduce new story elements, as well as badass…