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The Crew 2

Try The Crew 2 For Free This Weekend

The Crew 2 is the successor to the rather mediocre MMO racing game, The Crew. The sequel tried to do a lot of things, and it mostly failed, but there are some good things about this game, so why not give it a shot. It's free. The Crew 2 is first and foremost an arcade racer. There isn't much nitty-gritty realism here, so if you were looking…

The Crew 2 Closed Beta Starts On May 31st

We are eagerly waiting to see just how good/bad The Crew 2 is going to end up being, considering how the first game didn't exactly live up to the expectations of many players. But, the sequel is a chance for the developers to redeem…

Far Cry 5 Has Been Delayed

It's a truth of the game industry that at times a game must be delayed in order to protect the quality of the title. And it is in that vein that Ubisoft has made a post on their official blog saying that Far Cry 5, among other titles, has…

Harley-Davidson Coming To The Crew 2

The Crew 2 is set for release next year, where players will be able to traverse an extensive recreation of the continental US, with the seamless switching ability between cars, bikes, airplanes and boats. Speaking of bikes, Harley-Davidson…