Rocket League Reveals Its Rocket Pass 3

The Rocket Pass 3 is arriving to Rocket League sooner than you might think, and it’s bringing a lot of content with it.

Rocket League

Rocket League can look forward to the Rocket Pass 3 and the Weekly Challenges that are coming with it on April 17th. As always, you can expect to get a new line of Free and Premium Items. With these Challenges, players can Tier Up faster than before thanks to a new reward system, the “Tier Points”. These points are earned by gaining XP after Online Matches and by completing various Challenges.

Each Tier requires 10 Tier Points for the advancement to the next one. Each time you complete a Challenge you get three, five, or eight Tier Points. It depends on the difficulty of said Challenge, and these points can also be acquried by completing Weekly Challenges as well. When you gain an XP level you get 10 Tier Points.

Rocket League

As far the Weekly Challenges go, Rocket League players have to complete them in the week during which they are active. You won’t be able to do them if they expire and get replaced by new Challenges that come the following week. Players that don’t buy the Rocket Pass Premium will still have their progress checked when it comes to the Premium Weekly Challenges. But, you won’t get Tier Points if it isn’t purchased.

If you want more information about the Rocket Pass 3 and everything that it’s bringing to the game, click here.

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