Bioware Believes Anthem Is An “Evolution” Of Their Time As A Dev

There are some video game developers who are fine with doing a certain thing over and over again, while others strive to do even more, branch out, or at the very least, evolve. Bioware is definitely a developer who had done that. They started out with RPGs like Baldur’s Gate, then evolved it into Jade Dynasty and Knights of the Old Republic, which then led to Dragon Age and Mass Effect. And now, they’re getting ready to launch their new title Anthem next year, and Bioware sees it as a true evolution of their work.

Director Jon Warner talked about this with Gameindustry International, and noted that the game continues on the path that the others have been on:

“If you look at BioWare games on a spectrum, from Baldur’s Gate to Neverwinter, and Jade Empire to Knights of the Old Republic, to Mass Effect and Dragon Age, you’ll see that the games have always been about evolving our technique and storytelling… so the way that we look at it, Anthem is not a departure, it’s the continued evolution of our craft and our technique.”


He knows that there is some hesitation towards Anthem, mainly because it feels “too ambitious”, but like with most games, he feels that once players get it into their hands, all will be made clear:

“I think once players get their hands on it and dive in they are going to find a world that is well realised and full of rich characters that you’re going to want to get to know, and you’ll be the hero of your own story, and honestly that is the heart and soul of a BioWare experience.”

Bioware seems confident that the game will be something special, and though we have to wait until next year, Bioware will no doubt keep showing off the game when they can.

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