Bioware Is Up For Tackling Star Wars Again

History helps define many things, including how a game developer got their start, and got their fame. For Bioware, they were always great RPG makers, but in the modern era, they made a title that truly skyrocketed them into the top tier of game development. That title was Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. This classic RPG has all the staples of the developer, and it later inspired the MMO made by them called The Old Republic. Still, could Bioware go back to Star Wars for a standalone title?

General Manager Casey Hudson talked with Game Informer about this topic, and was pretty positive about the possibility, though at present they’re not attached to any such project:

“So, one challenge is, to make a really great game on this scale really, at this point, takes the majority of the studio the size of BioWare, and we’re a pretty big studio. There’s so many more games that we want to make than we can’t get to, so we kind of have to pick and choose and move through them. But, I’ve always loved Star Wars, I loved making Knights of the Old Republic. So…we’re always trying to figure out what’s next.”

Currently, the focus of Bioware is on their next big title, Anthem. But also, they’re working on the next Dragon Age title, not to mention the rumors that the Mass Effect series is still going to continue. So right there that’s three big franchises that they have to develop.

The possibility of them going back to KOTOR or doing something else in the Star Wars universe is very appealing though, they’ve shown that they can do it, EA has the gaming rights to the franchise, and we highly doubt they would shut them down like they’ve done with other studios.

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