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Resident Evil 2 Remake Announced

The Resident Evil series has been around a long time, and it continues to be a key franchise in the world of video games. Resident Evil 7 was a big step in the right direction for the franchise after some missteps over the years. And now,…

Albion Online Gets A Release Date

Albion Online is a sandbox MMORPG that has a player-driven economy, a classless combat system, and brutal PvP battles. When the title first appeared, it had quite a lot of players, but over time, the developers decided to take another route…

Overwatch: Symmetra Rework Detailed

Symmetra was always a weird pick in Overwatch, so naturally, Blizzard decided to rework her abilities to make her kit more enjoyable and viable. It seems like Symmetra was supposed to be a healer, with her turrets being able to heal instead…

Blizzard May Be Making Another FPS

We all know how much people loved Overwatch when it first came out, and it was a big hit. It shouldn't surprise anyone that Blizzard may have another PvP-oriented shooter in the works, and the latest job listing on their website says that…

You Can Now Apply For The F1 2018 Beta

Do you like driving really fast vehicles? For example, a Formula One? If you do, then you already heard of the F1 franchise, especially last year's title, F1 2017, which was one of the better, if not the best, titles in the franchise. But,…

New Overwatch Event Revealed

A brand-new limited time event called Retrobution was announced for Overwatch. Blizzard always releases themed events for their games, and Overwatch players really like these, as they often introduce new story elements, as well as badass…

Far Cry 5 Has Finally Arrived

Looks like the latest addition to the Far Cry franchise is here, and from the looks of it, people are quite fond of the game. You don't have to read huge reviews that point out each and every thing in the game to see if Far Cry 5 is any…