Destiny 2: Trials of The Nine Sees Series Hit New Low in Player Count

Destiny 2 has seen its player count plummet over the past few months, and there is another clear indicationof this by the Trials of the Nine multiplayer mode, which has proven to be a series low for the game. The worst outing yet has seen the supposedly premier competitive mode hosting just 77,814 players.

This will probably come as a surprise to many, given that Trials of the Nine is supposed to be the best Destiny 2 has to offer from a PvP perspective, yet it hasn’t lived up to the expectations compared to other offerings.

There are similarities between this and Trials of Osiris from D1, which both see players looking to tally up seven wins and no losses. Winners are granted access to the Spire, as well as being given rewards depending on their performance throughout. Those who manage to achieve flawless victories gain access to a special room, as well as exclusive armor pieces.

Around a month ago, Trials of the Nine more or less managed to tie Trials of Osiris’ lowest participation count, which stood at 145,000 players, which as you can see from the previously mentioned figure, it has been pretty much chopped in half across Xbox One, PS4 and PC. There had been 46,165 on PS4, 24, 161 on Xbox One and a mere 7,488 players on PC.

Destiny 2 is now available on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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