Fortnite Continues To Struggle With Building System Bugs

Patch V.2.3.0 is still causing a number of issues for Fortnite, so much so that it has caused a delay to the release of update 2.4.0, which is set to bring the minigun into the game, as well as fix the issues that have plagued the building aspect to the game.

Therefore, the developers of the game are looking to revert the building bar system back to have it was in the previous version. This will hopefully prove to be the catalyst for bringing Fortnite back up to speed in a permanent manner.

One of the game’s devs commented on Reddit: “We know it’s been frustrating for our players, but it’s a tough nut to crack and we need a bit more time than we want to make you wait for the other great fixes, features, and content we’ve got lined up. We want to make sure we get everything we can right the first time.”

As previously mentioned, V 2.4.0 will revise the building system, as well as introduce the highly anticipated minigun weapon into Battle Royale. The previous patch brought the Cozy Campfire item, which has proven to be a very effective addition, though when the next will be added still remains to be seen.

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