Hacknet Is Free For The Taking Right Now

Have you ever thought about hacking? Not the hacking that you see in Hollywood movies where they smash their head against the keyboards real quick and they breach a high-tier security system. No, actual hacking, where you carefully have to analyze a whole security system and then exploit any tiny bit of weakness in it that you find. It’s a lot harder than you might think, and we do mean a lot harder, but it can also be fun. Try Hacknet, which is an engaging hacking simulator, and if you grab it until tomorrow, you get to keep it forever.


A lot of players and even reviewers said that this is as close to hacking as you can get in a video game. That sounds really amazing, if you like that sort of thing, as Hacknet doesn’t look like a title that you can just jump in willy-nilly and get the hang of it right away. As with hacking in real life, you need to slowly descend into a rabbit hole and keep searching until you find the thing that you need.

Take the game for a spin while it’s still free, so then even if you don’t like it you didn’t pay for it, so you lose nothing. If you like the game, and even want to support the people that made it, you can also go and buy Hacknet.

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