Hearthstone Reveals New Characters in Animated Short

Blizzard has revealed a brand new animated short to introduce new characters to Hearthstone, the digital card game based on the World of Warcraft universe. So if you’re looking to meet some new faces, something that Hearthstone is often short of, then check out the video below.

The animated video introduces us to Ava, a young girl who comes across a Hearthstone tavern. Here, she is introduced to the magical world of Hearthstone through the art of a song and dance routine. Meanwhile, several other new faces were showcased by Blizzard, not forgetting innkeeper and in-game announcer Harth Stonebrew.

So what is all this for? During Gamescom, Blizzard confirmed that the announcement of Ava will be a part of a series of new story-based content which has been created for Hearthstone. There has been little more announced on this so far, with no other firm plans in place as of yet. However, fans have been urged to keep an eye out for more of Ava and her friends, who will be making appearances in future shorts, comics and other platforms.

Hearthstone is available on both PC and mobile platforms, boasting a thrilling game that will test your skills whilst allowing you to collect cards digitally.

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