Metal Gear Solid Movie To Be “Different” From All Other Video Game Movies

When you hear the phrase “video game movie”, most people cringe, mainly because numerous adaptations of video game movies have been either very average, or incredibly sub-par. And some have even been abominations in the eyes of the world. Yet, they still get made, and one that is in development right now is a Metal Gear Solid movie by Jordan Vogt-Roberts. But, in a recent interview, he aims to comfort fans by saying his movie won’t be like those other video game movies.

Why? Well, it’s because instead of just trying to make a grand spectacle, Jordan Vogt-Roberts wants to make a movie that appears to the “hardcore fans” of the series, and also making it easy enough for casual fans to enjoy. The script is already done, and it’s apparently very good:

“Even if I wasn’t involved in this movie I would read that script and say, ‘Holy sh*t.’ It represents a different approach to a video game movie. It represents a different approach to how a three-act structure is put on screen,” he said to Collider.

Metal Gear Solid

But, at the core of the Metal Gear Solid story, and the movie, are the characters, and the director notes that while Solid Snake and Big Boss will be the focus, they’re going to have some big supporting characters, as they help flesh the two out.

“These two figureheads of the franchise…define themselves based on the relationships of the people around them. So it’s important that those characters are surrounded by a roster of people. So we’re finding the exact right amount of people where we can introduce enough of them where it feels robust, where we can define Snake or Boss through these characters, but not enough to get lost.”

It certainly sounds like he knows what he’s doing, but only time will tell.

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