New Overwatch Anniversary Skin Teased

Blizzard is just one big teaser, but we as gamers always need teasing in order to build up hype. As we all know, Overwatch is approaching its second anniversary, which is really weird as it feels like the game has been out for quite a while now, and it is celebrating its anniversary with lots of new things. When we say new things, we are mostly talking about new skins, which are always the main selling point of any Overwatch event, and rightfully so, as Blizzard always comes up with amazing skins, and today we are talking about the new Epic skin for Soldier: 76 called VENOM SOLDIER: 76.


Now, before you get any funny ideas, no this skin doesn’t have anything to do with the upcoming Venom movie that is starring Tom Hardy, but it looks awesome nonetheless. As you can see from the image above, the new Soldier: 76 skin looks badass, with an awesome shade of blue and a double V sign on his face. Maybe it isn’t a V sign, but it looks really cool and terrifying at the same time, which is fitting for an efficient and ruthless soldier.

Of course, we can expect more Overwatch skin teasing coming in the next few days, so what do you think we’ll be getting next? Maybe a cool new skin for Mercy or even Reinhardt?

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