Looks Like Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have A Photo Mode

Cyberpunk 2077 does look like a gorgeous title, so it shouldn't surprise us that it will have a photo mode. The gameplay walkthrough gave us a detailed look at the game, which is full of places that we want to take a picture of anyway. You know, a photo mode in your game isn't all that special unless you have amazing graphics. Thankfully, CD…

Cyberpunk 2077 Won’t Be A Cliche Of A Story

From the moment we heard about Cyberpunk 2077, people were enthralled with the super futuristic look that the game had, and they wanted more of it. Fast forward a few years and CD Projekt Red finally gave us a full-on trailer that showed…

New Cyberpunk2077 Screenshots Released

Gamescom is bringing us lots of joy in terms of new announcements. Cyberpunk2077, one of the most anticipated RPGs in recent time, got new screenshots. CD Projekt has all of us waiting nervously for some gameplay footage.…