Play Pre-Patched Cuphead with “Legacy” Build on PC

Cuphead was recently subjected to a patch on PC a couple of weeks back, which sadly introduced a number of issues that affected the overall performance of the game.

These new bugs have since been seen to by another patch that has arrived on PC, but it also has an interesting build put in under the Betas tab known as Cuphead Legacy. This build of the game allows you to play it as it was when it was first launch, prior to any patches being brought in.

So if you want to try out the animated adventure in original form, then now you can do so. It features all of the original bugs and glitches that you may have heard of or experienced, including the Cagney Carnation freezing, Chimes flying off the screen with no reasoning and of course, the famous “Mugman Army” glitch is back too.

Please take note before trying this version, however. Developers Studio MDHR has warned that if you alternate between pre-patch and post-patch versions, it could end up corrupting your save game. Studio MDHR naturally take no responsibility for this, so make sure you are careful if you are to proceed with testing it out.

Cuphead is now available on Xbox One and Windows PC.

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