Popular Monitoring Programs Not Supported in Destiny 2

Bungie has announced some rather unfortunate news for some fans, particularly those wanting to use certain third-party monitoring programs for Destiny 2.

The team behind the highly anticipated sequel have revealed that many well known monitoring programs won’t be compatible with Destiny 2, in an attempt to crack down on hackers, who will use these third-party applications to gain access and insert code into the game client. Therefore, programs such as EVGA Precision, FRAPS and Msi Afterburner will not be supported. Bungie has also stated that Game Capture mode of applications such as Xsplit and OBS won’t be supported either, along with visual notifications from the likes of Discord or Mumble.

This seems like a pretty strange move as far as Bungie are concerned. The thinking behind it seems reasonable, as it is taking steps to preventing hackers from potentially ruining the game. However, it does make it harder to determine whether or not certain scenes in Destiny 2 are optimised well or not.

For the PC players who are looking forward to finally getting to experience Destiny 2 after the console side recently experienced the game’s beta, the sequel will begin its open beta phase on August 28th, followed by a full release after the console launch, taking place the month after on October 24th.


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