Rocket League: Loot Box Functionality Disabled In Belgium And The Netherlands

A lot of people tie loot boxes to gambling, which is probably why Rocket League disabled them in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Rocket League

If you’re a Rocket League player located in Belgium or the Netherlands, you can’t use your keys to open loot boxes anymore. At this point, these kinds of news shouldn’t surprise anyone, as many governments see loot boxes as a more dangerous kind of gambling. While that isn’t always the case, we can understand where they’re coming from. Still, if someone wants to open 10,000 loot boxes and waste a lot of money, it’s their choice, and they should be able to do it. Unfortunately, the people in power from Belgium and the Netherlands don’t see it that way.

When reading the latest patch notes, just scroll down and you’ll encounter these lines:

Players in Belgium can no longer open Crates with Keys due to government regulations

Players in the Netherlands can no longer open Crates with Keys due to government regulations

Not much info was given, but when it comes to these kinds of things, you just need to know that it happened. It’s something that won’t change, so knowing all the details doesn’t help. When they start using terms like “government regulations” just know that it’s a done deal.

Belgium already has its share of games which had to remove loot box functionality. Again, the reason why is understandable, but this is a form of censorship, as people should be able to spend their money however they please. Unfortunately, these days you don’t get to choose yourself, the government and certain organizations do it for you.

Rocket League

If you’re a Rocket League player from Belgium or the Netherlands, what do you think about these restrictions?

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