State of Decay 2: Technical Beta Going Live Soon

State of Decay was an awesome survival game. Among other titles that had survival and zombies in it, this one stood out because instead of just surviving the zombie apocalypse, you also had to take care of your community, make sure they’re fed, happy, and prepared to take on a hoard of zombies. The most disappointing part about it was that it was that it didn’t have a co-op mode, which State of Decay 2 has. The game is coming out in less than a month, but now the technical beta should be live soon, so that’s your chance to play it right away.

State of Decay 2

The sequel to State of Decay is mostly going to build upon the things that made the first game so great. You have a world full of zombies, survivors, and supplies. Then you have your base which you get to expand. Of course, there are lots of things that you will be doing in this post-apocalyptic world, and things like combat and base-building got even better in the sequel. The technical beta for State of Decay 2 is aiming to squash any bugs before the title launches, and also to see how players feel about certain new features.

This beta should be going live somewhat soon, but it seems like Undead Labs are working on a problem that is making people unable to sign up for it.

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