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Epic Games

Fortnite Experiencing More Issues From New Update

Updating and patches are a double-edged sword for video games. On one hand, they're needed to fix problems that can stem within the game that the dev team didn't know about before, or add new content. On the other hand though, if they're not handled the right way, they can cause more problems than they solve or bring outweigh the goods brought into…

Fortnite For iOS Has Sign-Ups Available Now

Epic Games took a major game when they made their tower defense zombie fighting title Fortnite and added a free Battle Royale mode to it. Initially, they took a lot of flak, including from the creator of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds who…

Fortnite Getting 20-Person Team Mode Soon

Fortnite has been in the news a lot recently, and for all the right reasons. Yet, people don't know why the game is doing so well. In our opinion, it's not just because of their free Battle Royale mode, but rather, it's because they're…

Fornite Crushing PUBG In Views On Twitch

There are many milestones that video games and their developers strive for. First is sales, for if you don't have sales, you're not doing well. But, due to the advancement of technology, there are other avenues you'd want to do well in. For…

Epic Games Addresses Fortnite Aiming Issue

Bugs and glitches are a key part of the game design process. If you somehow make a game without any bugs or glitches, you've either made the simplest game ever, or you're a magician. Even the biggest video game developers like Epic Games…

Fortnite V.3.1.0 Has Launched In The Game

Epic Games has been on quite a roll recently with their title Fortnite. Their players base is continuing to grow, and their concurrent game numbers has been better than PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which dominated them for a while.…