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Why Wasn’t There a “Metroid 64”?

When talking about the most popular, and most important, Nintendo franchises out in the world, Metroid is one that definitely appears in the Top 5 at least. Samus Aran is one of the most iconic video game characters, and between her original game, some of the handhelds, and of course, the Metroid Prime series, there's a lot of epic and legendary…

Metroid: Samus Returns Talks Production Of Game

Last year was a big year for Metroid fans. For in one E3, Nintendo announced a game for the Nintendo Switch (Metroid Prime 4), and a game for the Nintendo 3DS, Metroid: Samus Returns. What made Samus Returns so special though wasn't just…

What is the best Nintendo Boss Fight?

In most video games there are certain things you can expect. Challenge, fun, growth as the player character, etc. But one thing that players both look forward to and dread is the boss fight. After all, the boss fights are how we determine…