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Rocket League Gets A Free Weekend

Imagine a combination: fast cars and football. A strange combo to be sure, but it works, as its one of the more fun titles that you can buy on Steam, and it has a really friendly player base. Most competitive games that are competitive have toxic players, but Rocket League players are relaxed and just there to have a good time. That's why you…

The Crew 2 Closed Beta Starts On May 31st

We are eagerly waiting to see just how good/bad The Crew 2 is going to end up being, considering how the first game didn't exactly live up to the expectations of many players. But, the sequel is a chance for the developers to redeem…

You Can Now Apply For The F1 2018 Beta

Do you like driving really fast vehicles? For example, a Formula One? If you do, then you already heard of the F1 franchise, especially last year's title, F1 2017, which was one of the better, if not the best, titles in the franchise. But,…