They Are Billions Gets Huge Infected Giants

Regular zombies weren’t enough in They Are Billions, so now we get big ones. The latest patch also introduced a brand new difficulty to the game.

They Are Billions

Well, if you thought that normal zombies were a threat, wait until you see this fellow. Imagine a creature so large that it lost its hearing and seeing capabilities. But, once the Infected Giant locks onto you, there isn’t a thing in this world that can stop it. Naturally, all low-caliber weapons can’t do jack against this guy, so be sure to pack some heavy weaponry if you plan on taking him on.

They Are Billions

These guys grew so much that the ground beneath them shakes when they walk. Naturally, they are one of the greatest, if not the greatest threat in a playthrough. They Are Billions is already a tough game to figure out, and this kind of foe is going to spice things up by a lot. Don’t worry, these guys will be marked on the minimap so that you know where they are lurking. Unless you have a really strong army, don’t try to face the Infected Giants.

Now, for those of you They Are Billions players that like to play rough, we have some good news. This patch also brought the brand new Nightmare difficulty. If you want all the details on that, go check out their official Steam post.


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